Sunday, January 3, 2016

"The Conflicted Nazi"

Good Morning everyone, I have decided to get back in the blogging business, creativity is like a drug cloud some times you feel it, many days you don't. I have been reading my amazing cousin's Aarohi's blogs and I have become so involved in these workings that I have decided to start my own dyopian fiction series. As many of you know during the last few years I have been actively involved in the Disability Rignts movement and this story will capture the significance of this very topic as well as explore cultural differences, call into question the loyalty to ones country vs. the loyalty to oneself and hopefully at the end of the story rewrite history. The main protagonist in this story is a German American soldier who is stationed in Berlin Germany during World War II. Zelig is assigned the task of serving as a guard for the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. For the most part Zelig obeys the commands of his leader at the time Adolf Hitler who tells him to line up the prisoners one by one stripping them of any essential clothing and preparing them to recieve the infamous "number". One day, a young woman by the name of Alnine arrives at the concentration camp in hopes of finding her father who has been imprisoned for quite some time. The young woman is captured and marked with a number. During the months and days that follow Zelig observes Alnine being savagely beaten by Members of the Nazi party leaving her without a leg. Zelig unable to bear any more and coming to a realization that his current role conflicts with his values shoots and kills Alnines attackers. Alnine is blamed for the murder by the Nazi Party and is moved up to Number 100 meaning in 100 days she will die. Can Zelig race against time and save Alnine by still proving loyal to his country? This story will inspire you, this story will shock you and this story will question you "how are our values defined and what exactly does it mean to be loyal". This is not your typical love story, but rather a character study of how values are defined(what are our values?), (how is loyalty defined) and how can a single act of defiance cause a paradigm shift in these values". In the past we have seen stories of how a protagonist in the Nazi Party have turned to the dark side. This story centers around good and evil and how our definition of values and our morals can lead to a shift in behavior. Stay tuned for further updates! Rak

1 comment:

  1. Rak Mehta, you know you are adored and i need not repeat the same.
    It has made me think about what could be different definitions of "loyalty". The dictionary says it means the state or quality of being faithful to commitments or obligations.
    Now there differences will arise from commitments and obligations.
    The value is as such hidden in our commitments.
    Your analysis further will be point of my interest from change perspective.
    How do we change behaviour by bringing about change in values!!
